Posebna izvršenja

Kompletne proizvodne linije

EMG PRESSE stvara potpune i prilagođene proizvodne linije traka ili konca.

Komponente proizvodne opreme odabiru naši partneri od strane našeg odjela za dizajn kako bi osigurali da se poštuju vaše specifikacije i vaši zahtjevi u pogledu profitabilnosti i kvalitete. Sukladni su sa svim najstrožim propisima.

Oprema za ručnu prešu

EMG is a manufacturer of presses meeting the needs of Industrial companies and craftsmen. We design and manufacture presses adapted to the specific markets or environments of our customers such as, for example, for the food industry, pharmaceutical, chemical and electronics sectors.

Oprema za mehaničku prešu

EMG PRESSES supplies its industrial presses with safety, ergonomic and technical accessories.

posebna konstrukcija za preše

At a time when 4.0 industry is taking off, manageable-sized SME’s are seeking the best way to mechanize repetitive tasks performed by their collaborators. If the goal of improving a manufacturing process has long been making gains in productivity, today, this goal is no longer enough. A “new” priority has arisen. This involves the operator and, more specifically, reducing the difficulty of the work.


Throughout the manufacturing chain, machines can be adapted to their operators so that they are more ergonomic, and therefore limit the risks of musculo-skeletal problems. At EMG, we work with you to analyze the problems you are encountering and adapt our presses to provide your workers with greater comfort.

Upravljanje naporima

EMG offers all types of force/ displacement monitoring thanks to force and displacement sensor solutions adapted to each need, for 100% parts control.